Buying property in Turkey

Buying property in Turkey

What matters to you?

Below are the most important aspects you should consider.

1. Purchase agreements and arrangements must be made with the right party. This is the owner listed in the proof of ownership or the person notarized by the owner to be allowed to sell the property.
2. If you are buying an existing property, it must also be listed as a home at the land registry and not as an undeveloped lot.
3. It is important to inform yourself in advance of the levels of taxes, service charges and utility costs.
4. When purchasing an existing property, it is important to check that there are no arrears in taxes, utilities and service charges outstanding. So that you don't end up with costs you didn't know about.
5. When building a new home, a municipal building permit should be in place.
6. When purchasing an existing property, you should find out if the property has a residential permit.
7. As a foreigner, you must obtain approval from the competent military institutions. The application for this should also take place if you are buying the property from a foreign owner.
8. The property must be free from restrictions, mortgages, attachments and registrations thereof before the transfer date.
9. If you make a construction appointment with a property developer and have to pay a deposit in the process, you should enter into a well-sealed pre-purchase agreement and liaison agreement with the appropriate parties of the project. This is especially important for your legal security for obtaining the residential permit, utilities, construction warranty and fulfilling the stated obligations.

If you would like to read more on this topic, please read our publication "Buying in Turkey; what comes before?" and "A look at Turkish laws and regulations".

Contact Lexsu Consultancy for legal advice on buying property in Turkey.

Door de jarenlange ervaring van Lexsu Consultancy kunnen wij u goed helpen bij het kopen van vastgoed in Turkije. Zo wordt alles goed geregeld en hoeft u zich geen zorgen te maken.

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Read the Dutch version at: Koopprocedure onroerend goed in Turkije

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